Simple ways to save electricity during the holidays

December 17, 2019 – It’s that time of the year where we shop, eat, visit, bake, and just plain have fun. But with that fun can come a larger than expected electric bill in January! Take some time to add these simple ways to save into your holiday plans so you avoid a...

Stay safe around electricity this holiday season

December 10, 2019 – While staying safe around electricity is important year-round, it is especially important to keep electric safety in mind during the holidays. Inspect all decorations before use. Damaged sockets, exposed wires and bad connections could cause...

Just say no to heating

December 3, 2019 – The weather outside isn’t quite frightful, but it is chilly for sunny SWFL! As tempting as it might be to switch on the heat at night, LCEC reminds customers that heating is the most intense use of electric energy and the most expensive electric...