Three local organizations receive LCEC Environmental Funding Awards

March 30, 2023 – LCEC announced that Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Friends of the Cape Coral Environment, Inc., and Cape Coral Wildlife Trust received environmental funding awards. These organizations will use the funds to make a positive impact on our environment. This...

18 LCEC Employees Participate on United Way Fund Distribution Teams

March 23, 2023 – LCEC is proud to be a top fundraiser for the United Way of Lee, Hendy, and Glades Counties. Through fundraising events and employee, board and corporate contributions, LCEC commits every year to helping the United Way reach its annual goal. Our...

LCEC Celebrates Outstanding Employee Volunteerism

March 8, 2023 – The LCEC Pay It Forward Program began in 2016 to encourage volunteerism and support employees’ efforts to give to their favorite qualifying non-profit organization. To participate in this program, employees track and submit their volunteer hours...

What causes blinking lights?

March 1, 2023 – As frustrating as they can be, blinking lights are actually a good thing! Blinking lights or momentary outages are the result of a disturbance that is detected on the electric system. The cause can range from something like a car accident to an animal...