Be gone energy vampires!

October 26, 2023 – Halloween is a spooktacular time to address the energy vampires (a.k.a. phantom loads) lurking in your home. Energy vampires or phantom loads are terms that describe appliances and electronics that are left plugged-in when not in use. These energy...

Consider electrical safety this Halloween

October 12,2023 – With trunk or treats, pumpkin carving and other Halloween fun, it can be easy to forget about important things such as electrical safety. As you make your home spooktacular for the festivities to come, keep the following in mind: Inspect all...

October is National Cooperative Month

October 5, 2023 – October is a special month for cooperatives and their members because it is National Cooperative Month! During this month, cooperatives are recognized and celebrated for the qualities that make their business model unique, trusted and proven....