Commit to saving energy in 2022

December 29, 2021 – In a day and time when it feels like so much is out of our control, make 2022 a year to commit to saving on electricity. By adding energy savings to your New Year’s Resolutions, you can lessen your carbon footprint while reducing your electric bill.

New Year's Resolutions to conserve energy:

  • Unplug electronics that are not being used (e.g. coffee machines, toasters, phone chargers)
  • Swap your incandescent bulbs for LED or CFL
  • Only use your washing machine and dishwasher when you have full loads to wash
  • Use your ceiling fans to keep cool, but remember to shut them off when you leave the room
  • Invest in a programmable thermostat
  • Keep your freezer full
  • Consider adding smart devices for greater control of your energy use
  • Install reflective window tint/film
  • Keep your A/C at 78 degrees Fahrenheit when cooling your home

For more simple ways to save, visit Wishing you a happy, healthy, and energy-efficient New Year!