Keep your kids safe and smart about outdoor electrical hazards

July 8, 2021 – Tropical Storm Elsa has left our area, and every kid in town is ready to head outdoors to enjoy what is left of summer! As little and big kids alike enjoy the outdoors, it is imperative for parents to remind their kids of the following outdoor electric safety rules:

  • Always keep an eye out for overhead power lines and electrical equipment, and never climb on or play near either.
  • Avoid climbing trees near power lines. Even if a tree doesn’t seem to be touching a power line but is near one, that branch could make contact if more weight is added to a branch.
  • Only fly kites and remote-controlled airplanes in large open areas far away from power lines. If your kite happens to get stuck in a tree near power lines, do not climb it to free your kite. Call your electric utility for help. If you are an LCEC customer, please call 239-656-2300. It is also important to never fly a kite when a thunderstorm is looming.
  • Never, ever climb a utility pole or tower. Electricity is carried through utility poles and towers and has the potential to kill.
  • Steer clear of electric substations which house dangerous, high-voltage equipment. If a pet or toy makes it inside of a substation, call you utility provider immediately.
  • Water and electricity do not mix!!

Visit for more information on electrical safety. Here’s to our kiddos enjoying all the beauty, fun and exercise that the outdoors has to offer while keeping safety in mind!