October is National Cooperative Month

October 7, 2021 – National Cooperative Month is celebrated nationwide each October to raise awareness of the benefits, values, and charitable outreach that membership provides. Although cooperatives serve different purposes, electric cooperatives share a common set of principles and values which benefit the cooperative and consumers alike. The Seven Cooperative Principles for electric cooperatives include:

  • Voluntary and Open Membership
  • Democratic Member Control
  • Members’ Economic Participation
  • Autonomy and Independence
  • Education, Training, and Information
  • Cooperation among Cooperatives
  • Concern for Community

LCEC is one of more than 850 not-for-profit electric distribution cooperatives located throughout 46 states. Our values are deep-rooted in the community. Our workforce pays local taxes and supports community services and causes. Cooperatives are run by and for its members who invest in the operation of the utility through electric rates. Profits, or margins, are allocated to members. 

For 81 years, LCEC has been focused on delivering reliable electricity and quality service at a reasonable rate. To our LCEC customer members, we are proud and thankful to be YOUR electric cooperative!