Staying safe during storm season

August 11, 2020 – There has been a lot of storm activity since storm season began on June 1. But just because we haven’t had any big storms come our way doesn’t mean we won’t. In addition to having your emergency plan and kit ready, below are some tips for staying safe should a storm come our way:

• Stay clear of downed power lines. They may still be energized and dangerous. Puddles of water contacting downed lines are just as dangerous.
• Don’t trim trees or remove debris located near downed power lines. If you must remove debris from your home, don’t pile it under or near electrical lines or equipment.
• Residents on life support need to have an alternate plan in place to ensure the continuity of any life-support needs. This may include making special arrangements to spend time with a friend or relative during an outage or using a back-up generator.
• If operating a portable generator, keep it outside and in an open area. Carbon monoxide emissions can be harmful. Follow all instructions regarding safe operation. Do not connect the generator directly to your main electrical panel. If installed incorrectly, power could flow into outside lines and injure you, your neighbors or utility crews working in the area.
• Avoid detaining LCEC employees while they are working to restore power. This can be distracting and cause an accident.

For more storm-related tips, information on how power is restored after a storm and much more helpful advice, download LCEC’s Hurricane Guide from