payment options

PayNow Online
• No registration required.
• Simply use your billing account number and your last name or business name to make a checking or savings account payment quickly and easily.
• Checking/savings account payments are FREE and can post immediately to your LCEC account.

Auto Pay
A convenient, time-saving option that will automatically deduct your payment from your bank account on the due date of the bill.
• Residential and commercial customers are eligible.
• Funds must be drawn from US banks only.
• Sign up now through SmartHub.

• Checking/savings account payments are FREE and can post immediately to your LCEC account or be scheduled for a later date.
• Credit/debit card payments made before 4 p.m. post to your LCEC account within six hours. Payments made after 4 p.m. post the next day. Or you may schedule payment for a later date. Third-party service fee of $4.00 applies. Your payment and fee will appear as one combined amount on your credit/ debit card statement.

Walk-in Stations
Convenient Authorized Walk-in Payment Stations are located throughout our service territory.
- Click here for a list of Fidelity Express Walk-in Payment Stations.
- For a MoneyGram location, visit any CVS. (Enter LCEC Receive Code – RC 16521).
- Cash is the only accepted form of payment at walk-in stations.
- Third-party service fee of $1.50 applies.
- Please have your LCEC bill or account number with you.

Credit Card Payments
Credit/debit card payments made before 4 p.m. post to your LCEC account within six hours. Payments made after 4 p.m. post the next day. Or you may schedule payment for a later date. Third-party service fee of $4.00 applies. Your payment and fee will appear as one combined amount on your credit/debit card statement. Click here to proceed with a card payment.

Pay by Phone
A convenient way to pay your bill over the phone: 239-656-2300 or 800-599-2356.
• Checking/savings account payments are FREE and are posted immediately to your LCEC account.
• Credit/debit card payments made before 4 p.m. post to your LCEC account within six hours. Payments made after 4 p.m. post the next day. Or you may schedule payment for a later date. Third-party service fee of $4.00 applies. Your payment and fee will appear as one combined amount on your credit/debit card statement.
• Funds must be drawn from US banks only.

U.S. Mail
Send your payment in the envelope enclosed with your bill.
LCEC Payment Address:
P.O. Box 31477
Tampa, FL 33631-3477
LCEC Payment Options
LCEC is not affiliated with any third-party payment vendors or agencies but does have a good working relationship with them. These options are offered as alternatives to the LCEC payment options. Please refer questions and other feedback directly to the vendor or agency.