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Residential Security Lighting Pricing

    Residential Security Lighting Pricing

    • Connection fee: $200 (paid in full prior to installation and/or connection)
    • A ten-year agreement is required for all new security lights. A ten-year service agreement may be required to reconnect an existing security light. Reconnection of an existing light does not include installation of an LED fixture. LCEC will only install an LED fixture if fixture is damaged.

    Residential Security Lighting Rates

    Fixture & Energy Charge



    LED Total

    40-Watt LED Light

    Pole Rates

    Pole Description


    30’ Wood Pole
    35’ Wood Pole
    40’ Wood Pole
    30’ Concrete Pole
    35’ Concrete Pole
    40’ Concrete Pole

    Underground conductor $0.01 per foot
    Guard Rail Installation $2.60

    Nonrecurring Charges for Secondary Wire Installation


    One-time Charge

    Overhead – Not exceeding 125 feet
    $200 minimum
    Underground – Not exceeding 125 feet
    $1,395 minimum

    Note that for distances more than 125 feet, the charge will be based on the total estimated job cost. There may be other charges in addition to those mentioned above, priced by the LCEC Engineering Department. Please contact the Customer Care Center for pricing.